National Happiness Day

There are lots of things that make me Happy.

* Yesterdays Blip hitting the Spotlight!! Thank you so much - all of you - even those of you I bribed!!. It was my second ever spotlight and even better that is was my Daughters Birthday Blip!
* Seeing my Babies. But that's not happening today. Boo.
* Having a lie in - I took the day off as Mr W was due to have his second angioplasty, but it got cancelled late last night due to a bed shortage!
* Being treated to a Starbucks - yes - had one of those today too. And Hot Cross Toast!
* Having an Ivy Free wall - except the bin men refused the Green bin today as it was too heavy - wimps!
* Chocolate.
* Having a beautifully painted white garden wall - ready for me to cover in more plants! - Well done Mr W.
* Mr W allowing his photo to be taken in the name of blip! Result!
* Seeing Mr W smiling again. That makes me happiest of all.


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