
By Cygnus


The Ards Man and I threw caution to the winds and headed out for dinner this evening - midweek! Well, sort of midweek-ish.

I had a Parents' Consultation this evening, talking to my GCSE pupils and their parents about A level choices. I am fortunate with my classes as the pupils are all so great and this group is no exception. So all went well, but it is still tiring and I talked non-stop for 3 hours - not having to cook our tea was brill!

We're home now sans dessert at the Crawfordsburn Inn, as I made rhubarb and black grape crumble on Tuesday and there is some left. Yay! This photo is of the bar at the Inn, taken without a flash. I think the lampshades are rather fab.

Hope you've had a good week. It's nearly Friday!

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