the colour green

By jukeys

paddy's day in avignon

Drank a delicious pint of Guinness in the sunshine :)

We also had lunch in the Place des Corps Saints.

Called at Sablet on our way home to see a couple of apartments and to catch up with Auntie Lou and John :)


Other stuff I meant to post yesterday:

Val, click here to see some of the flowers in our garden just now. You're always posting such lovely flower pics, I thought I'd return the favour :)

Pic of the amazing sausages we had from the butcher in Nyons on Saturday.

Our Sunday lunch pics from yesterday.

Oh, and my cousin Clare and my dad's cousin, Stuart, both found the recipe for Ovaltines for me! My gran used to make them :) Stuart even sent me the photo of it! Gonna try them tomorrow if I can find the ingredients.

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