Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

Another piece of Admin

I thought I'd better spend some time today on doing admin for our forthcoming cruise. Successfully did the ESTA so we can gain entry into the USA. Printed out the flight details, as Roy wanted to book our car into the long stay car park at the airport. When I looked at the booking I noticed that we were flying out of Murcia but back into Alicante. I was convinced that when I did the booking I had us in and out of Murcia as it didn't make sense to fly from one airport and land at another. I tried rescheduling out flight using the web site but had no luck, so I phoned Monarch. Spoke to a very helpful lady who explained that they had changed the inbound flight as they had changed the winter schedule. As a result she did the flight change for me at no charge to me, good result. I then thanked her profusely for her help, I believe in thanks when it is due. As a result of the Monarch change I then had to phone the car hire company to change the pick up time of our car, again a very helpful person, got that sorted. Finally because our return flight departs at 7.15am I had to book us a hotel at the airport, our original plan was to stay at my brothers house for the Saturday night and he would then take us to the airport for our flight back to Spain, another trawl through web sites, finally booked a Premier Lodge as it was only 29pounds for the night for the two of us. Our car is now booked into the long stay car park at Alicante. All we need now is our flight tickets and everything is sorted. I think if it was left to Roy to book a holiday we wouldn't go anywhere!!

Been to the gym, spinning session, with a new instructor, then a new weights programme designed for me. Home, lunch, tidy up, made a chilli for tea and have made a guinness cake which is now in the oven and starting to smell delicious, its a Chrsistmas present for our friends John and Angie. Cup of coffee and watch some tv, early to bed as we have golf tomorrow.

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