
By magpie

Wee Fat Burd

Today was like Picadilly today with people popping in. Firsty Dr Johnny-boy came with a heady mix of cocodamols and caramel chocolate eclairs. Did I shovel mine in without taking breath? Well, doctor's orders must be obeyed.

Then a gas man came round to see why a radiator wasn't working. He definitely needs a place in a Formula 1 pitstop team - a quick twist, two taps of his screwdriver and instant heat. Not bad for a tenner.

Finally a friend from work arrived in a flurry of sleet and blusteriness for a chinwag and to keep me informed of the goings-on.

Earlier on, this blue tit was so taken with my seed mix that it had no qualms about me standing for about 5 minutes with the camera effectively up its jacksy through the (erm, rather dirty) glass. I suppose it's a small price to pay for the chance to maintain such a rotund belly.

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