madwill's world

By madwill


Minor disaster earlier today - my lunchtime coffee cup collapsed - just as I was getting back into my car. Half a cup of liquid goes a long way - all over the floor mat and the passenger seat - so my driving school car now smells wonderful. I had to sit on piles of dusters and paper towels during a lesson to avoid a wet backside!

Anyway - was beginning to wonder what to blip when it started raining and the low sun came out - so I thought 'rainbow?' and when I looked out there it was. Quick grab of camera and tried a couple from the back garden, but view was a bit restricted - so I nipped across the road to grab this. A 24mm lens was not wide enough to capture the whole length, so no pot of gold I am afraid.

It was fading as I was shooting - but I am sure the rainbow in the image is not as bright as it seemed in real life - I have tried various adjustments in LR but not really got the vivid colours. Any suggestions anyone?

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