
By Lightfantastic

Notice on a Drawer.

Shed memories 3.

The old chest of drawers has been in our shed for years. Tools in one drawer, childrens early art and school work in some others. It’s a sturdy mahogany chest, somewhat bashed with odd back panels and remnants of old newspaper cartoon stuck on one. It was part of my childhood and somehow came to us after my parent parted ways.

I think it’s a navy or marine chest and has always been there. I was told a little about it at one time but didn’t really take note… I’ll do it later. We put it out in the shed, we forgot, it slept.

There is a notice like this is on the sides of several of the drawers but they didn’t really register before now. My mother was a driver in the ATS. My uncle was in the merchant navy joining in his early teens. Is it part of their story or is it just a bargain picked up after the war? I should have found out more.

I meant to but its too late now and the questions will remain.

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