
By LadyFindhorn

Following the Plough

Daughter#1 has invested in a spanking new bike and wanted to try it out on a longer run. So she took a day's holiday and we cycled to the village hall in Bolton, a little hamlet about 5 miles from Haddington, to meet up with the local *CTC at their lunch stop.
There were about 30 members there all with their sandwiches and flasks of tea. The chatter was deafening as everyone tried to catch up on everyone else's news.

It was an ideal day for cycling, sunny, no wind but cold. However as we cycled home the light was beginning to go and it got a bit damp. It's only 3 weeks now until the shortest day.

At the outskirts of Tranent we saw these seagulls following a plough. They looked so white against the dark earth and were working hard to get the worms.

*The Cyclists' Touring Club

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