stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead

And the winner is...

*** Alberta ***

Congratulations, the books will be winging their way to you as soon as you let me know where you want them sent*. :-)

I wish I could send you all copies but there are no losers in Sleepyland and so I've been working on an exclusive wee consolation for everyone who left a comment so please send me your postal details too and I'll send on a copy to you all.


Everyone can email details to:

* After all the bluster and pomp of my announcement last week, I cancelled the first batch of orders of Vol.2. Looking at the images again in daylight I couldn't send them out. They just looked terrible. I scanned through the first book and did notice that there were a couple in there too. I whipped out the swatch pack the company had sent and sure enough, there's a slight blue hue on their samples too. It just appears to be worse on the selenium treatment which I used more extensively on the second book. I think it must be something on their coating since it doesn't appear on prints I got done elsewhere. Anyway, the long and the short of it is I'm going to reprocess the images I need to before I send it out so there will be short delay in publication. What a tease... ;-)

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