Sunshine and Shower Sunday

We were supposed to go and buy football boots for our teen today as his feet have outgrown the last pair.. It so happens he's going to be taking part in a rugby tournament on Tuesday for the school.. So the day was supposed to go like this.... After a lovely morning we were all going to get ready and drive over to Eastbourne and have a lovely afternoon... Yeh! right! that didn't happen.. We had a major melt down with the teen.. I left his scooter out in the garden and OMG it rained.. This was the end of the bloody world!!!
So without going into any more details no one wanted to go and buy bloody massive size 9 or 10 flipping football boots...
Me and my man decided to have a drive to Brighton Marina so i could take a photo for today and before going home we then drove to Newhaven so i could take photos from the fort... I decided the Marina was the better option for my blip....
All is quiet this evening and i am now taking the teen out after school tomorrow for his boots..... Hope you didn't have any quarrels with moody teens!

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