The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Freesias and freezing

I woke up to a bright sky and the shocking realisation that CleanSteve was not beside me! Bomble was, though, and hurried up for a snuggle, first under the covers and then beside me on the pillow, where he managed to snaffle 50% of the space!

When I padded downstairs at about 8, it was to find CleanSteve in full photography mode, capturing the little finches at the feeder outside the door. I am sorry to say that Bomble caught a baby goldfinch yesterday. All the worrying about his lack of healthy teeth and his arthritis, the anti-inflammatories and feline glucosamine tablets has clearly paid off, and made him revert to the ruthless killing machine he always was.

Tidying my desk and trying to get my travel documents sorted for Crete next month took up a vast chunk of my day. It is easier to clear someone else's desk than one's own, and I kept helping that some helpful TV therapist would pop up and ask me to kick the sh*t out of some cardboard boxes to help me release my over-attachment to LIDL receipts, but no such luck!

However, the mission is accomplished and I'm now importing CDs into my laptop and have completed unit 1 of an online writing course that I bought on Groupon a while back, but couldn't find the physical or head space to do....I think perhaps it won't tell me much I don't know after last term's very thorough course with the Uni of Exeter, but it may even drive me back to writing more of my life story. That would be a good thing.

These freesias were a present from J, my neighbour, to thank me for catsitting. she knows I love their aroma! No one has ever managed to synthesise it and there isn't an essential oil as far as I know, so the trick is to keep on growing or buying them. This is not a great composition but the weather and the light kept changing all day, the fine weather at seven having given way to sudden squalls and hailstorms. Does "March come in like a lion and go out like a lamb" or is it the other way round?

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