A frosty morning

After yesterday's late blip, it's another early morning one today. I woke up at 6.30am to the sun shining in through the curtains, so I decided to get up and take Louis out across the fields again. It was very chilly and only 3 degrees and there was frost on the ground - I h0pe it doesn't kill all the flowers that have started springing into life. Although I'm not naturally an early riser, I do enjoy it when I get out early and no-one is around. All the horses were stood around with their winter coats on, waiting for their hay and I love the light on this one's face.

I'm now home and showered and have an hour to get ready for work. I'm going on the bus today as it's Kate's birthday, so Chrissy and I are meeting her for drinks after work and then we've got a meal booked at the Ginger Pig which is a very nice pub/restaurant in Hove. There's also drinks from work at lunchtime as someone is leaving - I don't really know this person, but I'll go along anyway, who knows it might be me next!

I'm quite nervous about going for the interview tomorrow, but I think more of that is to do with having to phone in 'sick' tomorrow morning - mind you, although I'm better than I was, I'm still suffering with this nasty virus, so I may make another doctors appointment for tomorrow afternoon while I'm off, just to get it checked out.

Rachel sent me a text last night to say they'd arrived home safely, there had been an accident on the M25 so they were at a standstill for a while, but they were home before midnight. So I'm sure today, they'll be pleased they made the decision to leave last night, and now have a day at home.

Anyway, I'd better go and get ready, have a good day and I hope the sun's shining where you are!

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