Head Hunter

Well I left home at 9.30am to drive to Couldson in Surrey for my interview, which turned out to be the longest interview ever - I finally finished just before 3pm! They are one of the largest law firms in the South of England and have numerous offices and are currently expanding, and they seem to invest in their staff. Apparently I applied for the job on February 6th, so it's no wonder I'd forgotten all about it!

Anyway, after nearly an hour long interview I had to sit a typing test followed by a spelling test, and then had a second interview with the head of recruitment. They then said that I would need to go to the Brighton office for another interview with the solicitor that I'd be working for, so I asked if it would be possible to arrange it for today as getting more time off work would be difficult. A quick phone call was made and they said if I could 'hot foot' it back to Brighton the solicitor could see me but that he had to be somewhere at 3pm. I'm pleased that I went in the car and not by train, otherwise I wouldn't have made it.

I got on with Michael very well, and he gave me a tour of the office and introduced me to everyone and said that I may be coming to join the firm, then as I left he said that he would be telling them at head office that as far as he's concerned it's a yes! So although I've not had an actual offer, it sounds very promising and I liked what I saw, so I'll just have to wait and see what happens.

I called at the supermarket to do my food shop and by the time I got home it was nearly 4pm and I hadn't eaten a thing except a banana for my breakfast! I also hadn't taken any photos, but when I parked up in the supermarket car park, this seagull was stood on top of a car in front of me. It was raining heavily so I wound the car window down and took some photos of him from inside the car, and if you look closely you can see the rain bouncing off his head.

So it's been an interesting day and I'm glad I went, so now it's a case of watch this space...

Since writing this, I've heard that my cousin became a Granny again today to Grace Serena Elizabeth who made her appearance 6 weeks early - these little girls in our family seem very keen to make an early appearance! Anyway everything is fine, she's 4lbs 8oz and breathing unaided :-)

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