A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Watering Hole

We've walked 12 km this weekend. In fact Jacqui and Buster have done six km more than that.

And so it was this morning, that we set out bright and early in the glorious sunshine and walked briskly for three km along the track which runs alongside the beach.

Our half way point is just beyond this small pool which has cool fresh water flowing into it.

After breakfast we went to the market in Sabinillas and spent a happy couple of hours pottering among the second hand junk and artisan stalls. No padel today as I am resting a thigh strain and besides, it made a nice change.

This afternoon I painted the outside of the house. Now it's all bright and fresh and merely needs a bit of filler around the balustrade to complete the job.

It's been a fabulous weekend. Hope yours has been fabbo too.

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