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By pplnani

Busy Bee

Had a doctors appointment this morning which took ages because the surgery was packed, during which I found out that I've got to have a horrible test that I hate having. Got outside nearly an hour an a half later and thought I would go for a walk in the nature reserve but my car had other ideas and just wouldn't start. Even though I had only just driven there with no problems my battery was completely flat :-((( So then I had to sit and wait another hour for the nice man from the roadside rescue company to arrive, which he duly did. He then spent more than an hour trying to locate what had flattened the battery - still a complete mystery but he got me started so that at least I could get home without my visit to the nature reserve :-(( He did manage to locate the drain to one of two fuses but we couldn't read what circuits they control because the fuse diagram had worn off the cover but he did tell me that in order to fully charge up the battery I would need to drive the car for hours and hours, which seems completely ridiculous, other people's cars don't seem to have all these problems just because they always do relatively short journeys. I have searched all over the internet to try to locate the relevant fuse diagram with no success, so the next stop is to speak to the garage and see what they recommend that won't end up costing me an arm and a leg.
Not the best day I've ever had but I did take a breather in the garden where I found this busy bee having a feast on the Viburnum which has been in flower for at least four months now, so at least there was something good about the day :-)

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