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By pplnani

Green with Envy

...."it's alright for you tucked away in a cosy dry house behind the window"
It's been a grey and drizzly day and this little greenfinch looks like he's just about had enough of it and wants the sunshine back. I could almost feel the resentment in his look as I stood in the kitchen taking the photo, poor bedraggled thing could do with a little umbrella hat to keep him dry ;-))
The way he is looking at me in disapproval really reminds me of Sam the Eagle from the Muppets, what do you think? :-))

I've booked my misbehaving car into the garage next week, as they said they would have another look at it to see if they can identify the source of the battery drain. At any other garage I would be worried that something so hard to pin down would be a licence to charge me a fortune for next to nothing but this garage is brilliant, I have been going to them for over 25 years and they always look after me. I feel quite confident that they will do their best to sort out the problem as cheaply as possible, here's hoping they succeed :-))

Also I need your help again to choose a photo for the 'Movement' topic at photo group, which one should I send in?

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