
By Kiteseeker

Springtime York

In order to continue as a licensed coach for orienteering I needed to renew my first aid qualification. As part of their work in the community the Yorkshire Ambulance Service were running a course in York.

The Vale of York is noted for fog and today the visibility was down to 100m and to compound matters the traffic lights on my route into York were not working. Fortunately I had allowed extra time for the journey and arrived with 5 minutes to spare.

The course was very good and I had just a bit of time to nip up the road to grab a blip. York is my home town and Nunnery Lane where this was taken has happy memories of journeys to school, youth club and learning to drive.

The Medieval walls were built to protect the city which could be accessed through spectacular gateways complete with portcullis to keep out unwanted visitors. A must see if you visit.

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