Did the green man break my camera?
It was a difficult day at work and it wasn't until I was going home that I thought about my blip for the day. I decided to take some photos in Woburn Square; the smallest of the Bloomsbury squares, just across from Birkbeck. This green man is the only sculpture in the square. I took a couple of other photos after this one and then, when I switched off the camera, the lens wouldn't retract and it gave me a 'lens error' message. It seems, from my research on google, that this is a common problem with Canon G11s and the like and I'm not sure that I'll be able to fix it.
But at least I had taken a reasonable blip before it packed up.
The sculpture is by Lydia Kapinska, 1999.
The information board beside it includes quotes from Virginia Woolf's The Waves, 1931:
"My roots go down to the depths of the world, through earth dry brick and damp earth, through veins of lead and silver. I am all fibre."
"I am green as a yew tree in the shade of the hedge. My hair is made of leaves. I am rooted in the middle of the earth. My body is a stalk. I press the stalk."
"The roots make a skeleton on the ground, with dead leaves heaped in the angles."
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