Brilliant Breakfast!

On Sunday, in recovery mode from the excitement of the day before at iFly, we enjoyed a leisurely and delicious breakfast before heading north for home.

Z and B are great helpers with meals at their house, and this day was no exception. Z helped make the food -- potatoes with peppers and onions, scrambled eggs with cheese and ham, fresh fruit salad, and scones with jam and butter -- and she also put quick place cards out so we'd know where to sit. One of B's chores this month is clearing the table after meals, and as you can see, that's not done quickly after a meal like this one!

E gave us some of the homemade chocolate and peanut butter chip cookies we'd enjoyed the previous evening, and we said goodbye for now, after a memorable time together.

(This is one of two quick shots I took just before everyone sat down, using my iPad -- trying to be "modern"!)

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