One of a kind

FMS Day 24 - one of a kind - stuck for a blip tonight, spent a lot of time thinking about the FMS prompt - came up with looking through my mum's old drawings and paintings. I don't know why she didn't carry on with her art - or go back to it at some stage. I guess like everybody else she was busy with family and never made time for herself! She was so talented though.

This was a painting she did in 1949.

Not been a good day - a 4 hour meeting to discuss in minute detail how the cutover into SAP is going to work throughout the week and into the weekend, all made to sound very matter of fact when in actual fact they are talking about people's jobs being passed across. Have then spent the evening cleaning the kitchen ready for a house valuation tomorrow, and broke a nail in the process, just as they were getting to a decent length again!

Final straw - my laptop is playing up - flashing screens so everytime I want to use a different function I have to log off and back on again. Think I am going to have to ring the support line but struggling to get time this week.

Didn't mean for this to turn into a moaning blip!! Sorry!!

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