Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Day tripper

As the wee man still wasn't feeling too hot, we decided take a long drive (and a lengthy nap for him) over to Lania and Vouni to visit some of Cyprus's more rural sites. We had hoped to visit a donkey sanctuary but unfortunately it was closed. However, we did manage to feast on a delicious locally made meze. It's just a shame that we've only a few meals left on this island!

He definitely livened up when we returned home so hopefully he'll be back to his best very soon. In addition to his cough, he's developing a rather sore nose now, with all the excess snot and wiping. Poor boy.

Like maniacal celebrities, I realised today that Nikki and I have begun to refer to ourselves in the third person. Instead of asking politely for a bite of the wee man's apple, I now say... 'Can Daddy have a bite?' What are we teaching this poor lad?

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