
By intothehills

Out of our lives at last.

Over four years ago our Mum was taken from us in the worst way imaginable. An event that none of those who knew her will ever fully be able to come to terms with. But for her immediate family this has been made so much harder because we've had to take her killer to Court to resolve even the basics of her estate. As the Administrator of the Estate I've had to read lie after hateful lie from someone who has never expressed any remorse, sorrow or guilt for what he did.
Today, sat in another Courtroom, in circumstances wholly different to the criminal trial, I again, finally, heard another judge acknowledge that this man has lied, changed story after story and been  dishonest from the outset, presumably simply because we have a Court system that allows him to continue to cause so much upset to the survivors of his crime. Four years of unbelievably distressing and unnecessary litigation have been concluded with every single point awarded in the Estates favour, the award of full costs and, most importantly, the effective removal of this man from our lives. Perhaps now we can finally start to move on, mourn our mum and begin to remember her with a smile.

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