Sleep sleep sleep

I have had a great day. I was up bright and early to get ready for my childminders. I had a lovely breakfast of grapes, chocolate brioche rolls and a yogurt. I then got a hold of mummy perfume, her good stuff too, gave myself a couple of sprays. Got to smell nice.

We went to the park at my childminders. It was a new one, lots of slide, round abouts and see saws. I said Scott for the first time today too. Well, I wanted my lunch.

Mummy was late picking me up. She got caught in traffic so I gave her a big hug and kiss when she arrived. When we got home I had a mad half hour, running up and down the hall. Spinning round in circles and clapping my hands.

Mummy is feeling much better but we all ended up in bed early. We are all still tired. Me from all the playing, daddy from work and mummy from being ill.
I had a lovely bath and I am now cosy in my jammies. I make sure I say night night to everyone and give then a kiss before going to my cot.

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