The Sun Has Got his Hat On

The sun got his hat on at first light today even before His Lordship could don his in readiness for a safari to the hills.

The sunlight lit up the topmost flats of Marchmont and slanted through the trees leaving long shadows on the grass.
The cherry trees lining the path have acquired a beautiful russet tone in readiness for their pink exhibitionist display next month.

All was quiet as I took this blip: too early for commuters and school children to be out crowding the paths and the dog walkers seemed to be having a long lie.
Only this lone cyclist in the yellow jacket shared the peace with me.

The feel good factor continued when I bumped into a former neighbour from the erstwhile castle.
It was lovely to have a catch up on the news front- I do miss some of my old life.
In my new life, our neighbours are students and young couples who no doubt think HL and I came out of the ark.

What goes around, comes around and just retribution for thinking the same thing when I was young and living beside neighbours on the wrong side of 50.

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