The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Tether - end of ..

Woken at 4.30am by the burglar alarm - came down - sent mum up - messed up disarming the alarm and then unable to shut it up ..

I assume it timed out after twenty minutes (in desperation I rang 101 and got increasingly hysterical as the woman helpfully said 'Have you tried typing in the code?' 'Did you use the right number?' etc etc

Woken an hour later by the alarm again .. sent mum back to bed .. lay in mine, listening to the bloody alarm and fuming ..

A day of low achievement - mum is getting increasingly stubborn. She used to go to bed very early for which I was grateful - now when I say 'Are you ready to go up, mum?' .. she says she isn't

By the evenings I am totally emotionally drained and sit about eating ..

Maybe that could explain why I've got so fat.

Thank god for garden roe deers, or there'd be no blip at all ..

Surprisingly good viewed LARGE

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