at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Free-range ivysaurus

Ivy nearly got collected by the bin men this morning...

When I came downstairs there was nothing about for breakfast- not even any milk for porridge. Katy's facebook status was seeing if anyone wanted to have breakfast outside at the tea store with her and Seb since the weather was so nice- and i thought this seemed a better solution than going to tescos for milk. Leaving the house with Ivy in the pram, I saw the bin men were there and our bin hadn't gone out- so I abandoned Ivy in her pram to go and get ours. Came back and a bin man was looking quizzically at my pram- which I guess did look like i'd left it out for collection.

Breakfast was delicious. Eating a runny egg, potato scone and bacon roll over the top of Ivy's head was somewhat challenging though. I forgot about Seb's arms being longer than Ivy's and accidentally put a cup of coffee close enough for him to grab it and spill it on himself. I felt really bad about it, but I think he was okay. After breakfast went back to Katy's for a coffee that I managed not to spill. We sat outside and Seb and Ivy hung out on a blanket- well Seb mainly crawled off down the street and Ivy eventually got off the blanket too. She's very impressed with grass- particularly as she's discovered she can pull it with her fingers and bits of it come off. I think I might just put her in a different patch of our lawn each day to keep the grass short- rather like having a goat.

She had her morning nap outside in the pram, waking up just in time to come sit in the back garden to have lunch with Euan and I. I've started making soup at lunch so she can eat the same as us- today's offering was leek and potato.

After lunch she was still in a mood to play, so she crawled about the front lawn chasing a plastic ball whilst I planted some leek seeds and dealt with the aphids that have invaded my chives. Ivy tried some chives straight from the plant and seemed quite impressed- hopefully she won't not start trying to eat grass.

When Euan came home we went for a park-a-nic (picnic in the park). I've just got a new ringsling so Euan carried ivy in that. She's very open in the ringsling so people can admire her and touch her face as much as they like (and they do...).

We've discovered two new things today that make Ivy laugh. The first is the word pomegranite and the second is doing spins in front of her. Whilst Euan was cooking dinner (roasted radishes with soysauce and seaseme seeds) she sat in her chair and roared with laughter at him dancing about.

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