All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The Simple Things

Sometimes the best days are the ones which don't involve much expense, time or effort and today was one of them!

Fiesta in for MOT so hubbie and I had to co-ordinate things with one car today despite us both needing it for multiple things. Even better, it only needed a few minor things done in order for it to pass - yay!

Swimming lesson for Ethan this morning. On the way home, he asked if he could go to the playpark. So, after handing the car back to hubbie, Ethan cycled and I walked down. The sun was shining, it was a glorious day, and we had such fun! We cycled / walked the long route there so he could go up and down his favourite hills over and over. Played ice-cream shops at the slide (he always pretends it's an ice-cream shop and has done for a few years now). He was so happy and smiley and clearly really enjoying himself. Just brilliant being outdoors in the sunshine.

Nursery for him in the afternoon while I did the weekly shop / cleaned the fridge / put a load of washing on ... oh look it's time to pick him up again already!

Despite all that exercise, he was still playing with his aquaplay (minus any water) in his bedroom at 8.30pm and showing no signs of being sleepy!

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