All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Hairclip spaceships

Ethan and I went into Edinburgh today.

First stop was my office. Ethan has been asking to go and see where I work for ages (he has been before but was such a long time ago he doesn't remember). The plan was to sit in the canteen for a bit and watch the trams going by. However after half an hour later we hadn't seen a single tram. So, we went to the toilet and apparently missed a tram during the 2 minutes we were there!

Then off to the hairdressers for us both to get a haircut. Mandy gave Ethan lots of hair clips to play with and he spent ages making a spaceship out of them!

Back to Livingston to drop Ethan at nursery. He has been given "Adventuring Alfie" to take home with him which he was thrilled about! Alfie is a cuddly giraffe. We have to take lots of photos of him during his stay with us and write a diary too.

Football class after nursery, then home for dinner.

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