wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

No day to be a gull

Cold and windy. Windy and cold, snow, snow showers, sleet, hail, did I mention wind? Well the storm of the century went out to sea. Except the wind. The wind is here to stay. I am in my bed watching an old Castle re-run and listening to it howl.

I had a strange afternoon. I met with a physician who is in charge of a group of doctors called the hospitalists. Private physicians transfer the care of their patients to this group while they are in the hospital. I am not happy with the way these physicians dealt with my dad during his stay. I spent a lot of time deciding whether to say anything or not. In the end I decided to address it as a learning experience for them. I feel better. I was validated. It helped to have all my facts and all my ducks in a row.
The parting words to this doctor were: "and you know in the end you want to be on my side" he smiled and said "yes I know!"

Dad called the agency and had them take out the tellehealth blood pressure and scale and o2 monitor. Having his blood pressure taken everyday made him stressed and made it go up. I wonder how many times this happens!

I was stuck for a blip today. I wanted to get a picture of waves in all this wind. It helps if the tide is in. It was way out. So I stopped by Mackworth Island in Falmouth hoping to get a cool blip. In the end I got a cold blip. The lone seagull.
I think he was looking for his hat.
You don't know he could have been......maybe his shoes........he wasn't wearing any.

Thanks for the nice comments on my "pins" yesterday. I had never heard that term. I will find out in a couple of weeks if I got a solo or not. I did my best that's all I can do.
Till the morning .........

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