
4years 157days

It might be the 5am waking ups. It might be how very very hard she tried yesterday. It might be the fact that being 4 can be quite difficult. But this morning was "one of those" mornings. Started well, she wanted to be my helper while I finished up a few pairs of trousers I had been making her, including the pair she wanted to wear today. She sat beautifully, passing me pins, helping with the reverse button on the machine, cutting threads. That was by far the highlight of the morning.

We had tears because the socks were wrong. We had tears and stress because the replacement socks were wrong. We had tears because the tshirt that she wanted didnt fit properly anymore. We had big cuddles, sorted it all out, got dressed and happy & headed to nursery on her bike. Where it all fell apart again because they'd put another child to be sharing her peg now (in her defence of this, she's on an already shared double peg, each peg meant to be two hooks, but theirs is only one, and now there's 3 bags, 3 coats, on one peg and invariably stuff falls off, and then gets put on the wrong peg, and when she arrived, it was already very full with no space for her things). But it was the last straw. She sat on my knee and sobbed for quite a while.

But its ballet this afternoon. She has been practising hard at some of her jumps and is looking forward to showing her teacher.

SOOC today. I dont do sunflare filters!

PS thanks for the hearts and comments on Monday's blip - I've never had a backblip hit spotlight.

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