
By LadyFindhorn

Rock and Roll

This weekend is when the panic over the imminent arrival of Christmas begins to get to me. Although the foreign parcels and cards have been dispatched, this is only the tip of the iceberg and I have to think about wrapping presents for the other members of the family who live throughout the UK.
This afternoon I was confronted with having to wrap presents for 10 grandchildren and their parents who will be in Edinburgh next weekend.
The art of wrapping presents on this scale is not one I enjoy. The sellotape would rather wrap itself round my finger than place itself where it is required and the paper has an unfortunate knack of developing a ragged hole where it has come in contact with a sharpish edge of the present inside. Altogether an occasion of raised blood pressure and general stress.
I sent out an edict to the family from the castle saying that no presents to His Lordship and me were required or expected. They have enough on their plates at this time to give presents to their own children and the nephews and nieces. I hope they remember - we have everything we need.

Today's blip is another one of the window of Bernie the Barber.It was a cheery sight through the gloom and rain of another dreich day. Bernie it was who removed the hair from David77's napper last Wednesday. I can't say he had much sweeping up to do afterwards!

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