Wild Sparks .......

By WildSparks

Run Rabbit Run!

Today I went to the park with Dexter to see the doggers and then back to meet Paul S for a coffee, the plan was to gut the house and try and get some order back in place. I feel very overwhelmed by the clutter and mess, think this is adding to the low mood.

However when he arrived it was sunny and there was a walk planned with Walk and Talk with Mike leading in Burpham, so with a little arm twisting I was able to persaude Paul that we should collect Bertie and head off to the walk. Run away from the mess!!

We collected Chris on the way as well and made it to Burpham, there were only three others there, so it was nice to support Mike in his walk. The walk was lovely with lots of birds singing we saw lots of Red Kites and some Pheasants. The best bit was we met some lads who were hunting rabbits with ferrets. They were in lovely condition and the men were obviously very fond of the ferrets as they were all named. Dexter and Bertie were straining at the leash to get close, I think they would have had a shock if they had got close!!

Afterwards we went to the Worlds end pub for a drink and then home for cheese and fresh bread in the conservatory! We then watched a film!

So no tidying got done and we hid in the only room not so overtaken with mess! Not a productive day but a lovely day.

I feel a lot calmer. There is always tomorrow!

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