The Goose and The Gander

By gooseandgander


After four moths away from friends and family, The Goose's parents flew across the world to come visit us. At the end of the week from teaching, we met up with them in the nearby city of Hong Kong.

Leaving our city of Shenzhen, it took about 3 hours total to leave our place and get to their hostel.

We spent the day hugging, laughing, sharing stories, and exploring the city with them.

Our first main stop was Nan Lian Gardens, a beautiful place right in the city. Also there is the Chi Lin Nunnery. We walked around, took tons of pictures, and smiled, smiled, and smiled.

Also, big news.....Our DSLR camera is back in our hands. I accidently bumped it off a chair on Sept. 30th. We took it to Hong Kong to get repaired, and this was the most convenient time to for us to pick it up. I missed the camera so much and am glad to have it back in my hands.

Hopefully the blips will benefit from it too!

Heres to family visiting ("JIA REN" in Mandarin) and back blips for the next few days!

~The Gander

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