
By MamaOfBoys

Bye bye wisdom

Been away for a bit. Had a lot of jaw pain.

But today had wisdom teeth taken out. Was really stressing about it but it was great.

The dentist put iv in my arm then i closed my eyes i could hear him talking through the whole thing. Andre stayed with me until I was sedated then went back to my in laws to get harper. By the time he got back it was done and I was starting to wake. Total of 40 minutes.

Apparently i bit the dentist at one point. Woops! When I woke i was a giggly mess. I laughed at everything.

The bottom tooth was so big that I have stitches but luckily it was straight so it didn't have to come out in half. The roots had bound together and it was pushing on my jaw nerve. The top one had grown against my other tooth but instead of making a hole it had just made a dent so i don't need a filling or have it removed.

Andre took me home and i slept a while. I've had pumpkin soup and he went to get me some hot chips, they were soft easy to chew and salty.

My face is only a bit numb now so I can just talk. But it's really painful. Pretty tired. Kids are at mums for the night.

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