Plus 1 for Breakfast

Tim joined us in Hitchin this morning for breakfast. back to the Sun Inn, last weeks unexpected delight. They were busy today and that resulted in the service being a little lot slow, but the food was once again very good.

Tim needed to catch a bus at 09:40 to get to his parents house. That didn't happen, so we offered to drive him there if he could wait whilst we got a few essentials in the shops. Tim was happy with that arrangement and let his folks know that he would be a little late. He also asked if they could invite us in for coffee when we arrived.

I've known Tim for around 7 years, have heard many stories about his parents, his father in particular, but never met them until today. Both lovely people, but two things struck me about Tim's father:

1. I now know who Tim takes after. No mistaking the relationship. Looks, build and personal characteristics. Like peas in a pod.
2. Boy, can his father talk. I don't think there's much that we don't know about his medical history and lots that I would have preferred not to know :-)

All plans to work on the cloakroom today are scuppered. Well past 2 in the afternoon when we got home, having left at 08:30. Just time to write a speculative application for a new job and to see if I can beat my new PB for 10km on the rowing machine before getting dressed up to go out to dinner with Cliff & Hillary.

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