
In the academic sense, reflection is when we consider deeply something which we might not otherwise have given much thought to. This helps us to learn. Reflection is concerned with consciously looking at and thinking about our experiences, actions, feelings and responses and then interpreting or analysing them in order to learn from them.

Well as I reflected on my 1 hour session on the elliptical trainer at the gym this morning, at 08:00 which my body knew was really 07:00 thanks to British Summer time, I learned that O bloody 7 hundred hours is not the right time to be doing the 1 hours vigorous exercise on the human equivalent of a bloody hamster wheel.

Of course, I actually learned nothing because learning implies a change of behaviour, i.e. you will never again see me in the gym early on a Sunday morning sweating profusely whilst going absolutely nowhere, and in reality, we all know that I will be back again next week.

It's a drug I tell you.

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