Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

When I arrived home, yesterday's rose was drooping (it had already spent its days as a centerpiece when Mr. Fun brought it home to me yesterday). Today it was this chrysanthemum in the bouquet that was poised and alert. The photo is probably too washed-out, but my attraction to white is curious to me. I like white dresses, white cars, white flowers. I do like lots of other colors, though.

I finished teaching my second class of the morning (10:30-13:35) and walked back to my office and decided to skip the "College Hour" "Read-2-Succeed" gathering that the library was presenting. Instead I recorded grades for my two classes, filed lots of odds-and-ends of articles that I have used with my students during these first 6-weeks of the semester, and then opened my flash-drive to find the documents that I needed for next week's classes and walked to the photocopy machine to make the copies I would need.

My office felt so much more organized and even though I know it will stay that way for about a nano-second, it gave me the feeling of accomplishment. I now have no papers to grade this weekend and no prep for next week. Woohoo! Two weeks from right now I will be beginning my spring break. I don't even need to explain that I can hardly wait!

The week of spring break will find the two of us and the three pooches at our little vacation house on California's Central Coast. I think we'll accomplish nothing there that week in the "fixing-up" of the house, but we'll walk the shoreline (everyday if I get my way) and feel the sand between our toes and listen to the waves roll, break, and fizzle to foam, and watch the sunsets each evening.

Our adult daughter may spend the week there with us. She works at an elementary school as a teacher's aide with children who have disabilities and she is on a "year-round" schedule and every several months she gets a month off. She's off school for the month of April. Our son-in-law started the re-plumbing of the little beach house a couple weekends ago. He has plenty more work to do to complete that job, so we'll see what April brings and who joins us at the coast.

This evening we went to dinner with friends, Les & Jody. Les and Mr. Fun went to kindergarten together a million years ago. So they have been friends for life. It was fun to spend time with them. I should have taken a photo with them for this page, but I did not. They have just returned from a month at their vacation home in Florida. So we were all "catching-up" with one another.

I love Thursday. It is our Friday, if you know what I mean.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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