View from the Fairy Castle
In the woods behind Yellowcraigs beach is a hill. Not a very big hill, but it gives great views over the top of the trees From the beach it's pretty much invisible, and this sense of mystery, along with the stone steps that lead to the top, has afforded it the name Fairy Castle in our family.
Today, a lovely bright day, we wanted to drag the kids out for a walk. Mr B's (rhetorical) "Who wants to go for a walk?"was greeted with a firm "Not me" from the kids. So I devised a plan that we would be Merlin's helpers out looking for herbs to make magic potions (they are really into the BBC Merlin series). Seemed to work and off we went.
The rest of the day was a homely blur of making peppermint creams, Christmas cards (will it ever end?) and cutting Conor's hair. Now Mr B is cooking up a curry feast, having called for a friend's fab green bean recipe, which will accompany lamb curry, dhal and channa masala. Oh happy days.
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