Follow the Yellow Brick Road...

There it is! Right in front of the Oxford Post Office on the corner of Washington Street behind the bandstand of Lafayette Square, it's the original yellow brick paving revealing itself from under the large pothole. This is the best of three pot holes right here. I had seconds to get this blip into the camera because cars are always stopping to get into the P.O. or just speeding past. Those drivers stopped and could not figure out why I was out aiming a camera at the street. (Stupid tourist? Too early in the season)
A hundred geese were honking and flying overhead going to their roosts. And raindrops were just starting...making a hurried blip. The bricks did not come out as gold as they are in real life.
I can only imagine what the old streets looked like paved this way...
Winter salting has been a little rough on the paving. But it gives employment in the spring and summer.
I could (and will) use this moment to give an update on a further danger of allowing 'fracking' into the environment. First, we in Chenango county (so far) have kept this dangerous underground drilling from happening.The entire state is holding off a decision on the practice. The Da & Oil companies have taken the State of New York to court for stalling. But, the state of Pennsylvania just to the south of us has welcomes the shale gas drillers (a.k.a. "frackers") in with open arms and bank accounts. This winter they decided to use the exceptionally salty water (and chemically laden) refuse water as a spray on the roads to melt the snow and make driving safer.
A neighbour of mine just returned from a two week visit to her brother's in Philadelphia. She sys that the streets are simply torn up with pot holes. You can't even find a way to drive around to avoid them... and ruin your car wheels. That's a lot of summer employment for those people... and taxes.
Last month at the Oxford Town and County meeting the issue was put to the vote and it was unanimous NOT to allow any of the refuse water from fracking to be sprayed on roads in Chenango county. Apparently some other New York counties are buying the stuff and spraying it on their streets and roads as a less expensive salting option.
Ours is primarily a farming county and what goes on the roads goes on the pastures and into the water and the animals.
Seems a simple matter... an obvious decision...or as they say, "Duh." Yet any decision having to do with fracking is a hard struggle because the Gas and Oil companies have a lot of money and lawyers behind them.

``````````````````end of pothole report ```````````````

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