Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Assumption, The Feast Of...

Just reminded by The Child that the Feast Of The Assumption is only 2 days away.
We just call it Farmers Day Out, (in Dublin, usually, but Newry seems the Contested Part Of The U.K. of Choice at the moment...)

This is my first, and hopefully only, Yule related blip.

So, while I'm at it.....

To all of you, and some of you in particular, Seasons Greetings and Sincere Thanks.
I havent had this much craic since I briefly bodyguarded for Shane McGowan. (True, by the way..)
Or since I helped Phil Lynotts beautiful Mum throw up at the launch of her sadly departed sons biography.
Or since I marshalled the tricycle race, between my brother in law and a certain R. Woods, in his billiard room.
Or bounced the lowest, sleaziest, property developer from the lowest, sleaziest speakeasy in Leeson St.
And, unconnected, by the way, dodged a Molotov from the paid goons of Irelands most notorious gangster of the time, aimed at a neighbouring club on the same disreputable Strip...
If I went on, it would just get boring.
And a special Thank You to the Prop Provider.

Genau (?)

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