Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Look What I Just Found....

Dear Santy,
My name is Bryan, and I live in Effin Wickla.
I am sometimes a Good Boy, and only use Bad Languages when I really have to, which is more often than My Boss would like.
I live with My Boss, who is also My Child, who loves the Baby Jeebus, who cries when I use Bad Languages, according to Her.

But Jeebus H Christopher!

The Taj Mulhall is beside a Car Graveyard, and as I was feeding the Creatures also loved by the Baby Jeebus on the balcony, I saw this Deadly Toy.

I think that both You and I know the Man Who Buries The Motors, so, whaddya think.....

Can I have it?

P.S. Its pissing rain here, can you ask those deer of yours to leave off?


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