Hasting Street
Organised to work at nomads today. Need to get my working visa and insurance number to them. Have to do 20 hours a week which is 4 hours each day with 2 days off. Sounds like a bit of a rip off but will see how it is. Went to Coles with Mike, charlottes Canadian friend. Went for a run to hells gates at the national park. It was so nice. Sat on some rocks that were pretty high up and just watched the waves. Then watched the sunset and ran back to the hostel. I was so annoyed as by the time I had had a shower the free BBQ had finished. Got Mike to play some songs in the room. He is an awesome singer but I think he knows it! Went to grab some goon and drank in the room again before heading out to the pub. Didn't go to the club tonight instead we just sat by the pool and chatted with a couple of people.
Heard some weird knocking on the door very late...eventually I went to the door and let the Swedish guy in. He was so funny as he was pretty drunk but was so apologetic to me!
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