Old Friends

I recently got in touch again with an old friend that I hadn't seen or spoken to for almost forty years!!
We served in the Royal Navy together on the Rosyth Fleet Maintenance Group Mobile Repair Team in the mid seventies, flying round the world to repair and maintain warships.
We flew Air India to Karachi to work on two of the 'H' Class survey ships, on the return flight on an Air India jumbo jet, piloted by a Sikh in his turban called Gilhooley!! someone called Fleet Street and told them there was a bomb onboard. We went from flight height to 800ft in the blink of an eye and landed in Beirut airport at the height of the Lebanese civil war. The tyres burst on impact and we spent three days in an airport terminal that made Newquay airports departure lounge look like the Hilton. We arrived back in the UK four days late and after two days at home we set off for Sydney on another repair trip.
On the return flight the RAF BC10 suffered multiple engine failure over the Indian Ocean, between Perth and Singapore. We had two weeks in Perth whilst Crab Air repaired the aircraft.

Long time ago now!!

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