A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Milling about

An already quite late bedtime coupled with the clocks going forward made for a much slower start to the day. After a leisurely breakfast and realising we could have a late check out of the hotel we headed for a walk along the city walls and then through the Yorkshire Museum gardens. Where there was even a little sitting in the sun.

A wander into town for a little more light shopping, a fine pizza lunch and a cup of tea in a very lovely bike repair shop cum cafe (really much nicer than that makes it sound).

Back to the hotel to rearrange packing to incorporate the new purchases and down to the station for our train home. A really very civilised way to travel.

And joyously next year's location and date are sorted!

Looking forward to seeing the troops but very much enjoyed the weekend away.

Lesley x

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