My 40th year

By 54r4h

Mothering Sunday

Mum and Dad came round for Mothering Sunday lunch and brought with them the tree they bought Mark for his birthday present. This is Mr.W himself planting it after having to go out and buy a spade first. Mr.W's gardening knowledge is zero and luckily our garden is small as the state of the grass is always a cause for grumpiness. Apparently more grass seed has gone on today. Anyway I thought a tree planting is always an occasion so I have duly recorded this one.

First thing this morning I leaped or rather staggered out of bed to get the 5 hour lamb in the oven before returning back to bed to await Mothering Sunday preparations! Heidi made me some lovely chocolate twists from croissant dough and a scant amount of chocolate chips as she helped herself to the rest. Heidi came in bearing the first tray with her homemade card and a picture of her, me and a rainbow on it. Next was India with her tray which had a rose and a daffodil in a wine glass, my breakfast and some orange juice and her thankyou for being a great mummy letter (I love her teacher). Then Mark with my cup of tea. I read my book for ages then leaped out of bed, added potatoes to the oven and took India off to spend her birthday present book token, buy my Mums present and some more veggies for lunch. Half an hour in the bookshop was a bonus to my day, India asked me to explain the saying on her bag which was along the lines of a good book keeps you fascinated for a few days but a good bookshop keeps you fascinated for life. I have permanent regret that I will never be able to read all the books I want to.

Mum, Dad and Tanya came round for roast lamb lunch, we all especially India, love family meals. Tanya dashed off to play softball before pudding (she was awarded most improved female) then Helen and Katy came to collect Heidi and I for a party, I enticed her in with champers as the present hadn't been wrapped yet! I took the dogs for a very peaceful walk after the party leaving Mark to plant his tree and feed his daughters. A lovely day.

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