wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

I'm kind of lichen this tree

I have had a great weekend. I have spent time with some of my favorite people and did things that did not include performing music except listen to a wicked lousy band Friday night In the course of the weekend I found the road to Oz, learned a lesson about time and ate watermelon sour patch kids.

I learned the following (with an apologies to my Facebook friends who heard this before)

1)It is always good to wear a scarf at the movies because you can cover your eyes when the bad parts come.
2)in this order: butterfinger mini, warm buttered popcorn let it melt before swallowing.
3) Friday nights in the Old Port are still a blast with the right people.
4)time is fleeting and we need to fulfill our dreams while we are able ( I am going to take my dream trip. )
5)lichen is beautiful but like anger and spite, takes over and ultimately destroys a tree.
6)watermelon sour patch kids........rock.

We saw "Divergent". It was really good. Hope you all had a great weekend. Monday morning comes way too fast.
My favorite line from Ingrid was: You use punctuation when you write, just not when you speak!"

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