
By MarkKelleher

Islington Terraces, London

Originally named 'Giseldone' by the Saxons in 1005. From the 1300s, this was just one of the small manors on the Great North Road, which ran from Aldersgate beyond the city walls.

Islington became a popular destination to escape the city for Londoners, and by 1716 there were 56 ale houses in the area. From 1862, the famous Collins Music Hall drew people into Islington. Each night about 100 acts appeared including George Formby, Marie Lloyd and Gracie Fields. It burned down in 1958.

Islington fell out of fashion for the middle classes from the 1840s until the 1960s when it was gentrified after extensive war damage. The houses in this picture are a beautiful example of Victorian terraced housing on the Pentonville Road.

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