An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Me at 3!

Three solid years of blipping and not a red balloon, party cake, streamers or stunning pre-planned blipday shot in sight. Epic fail! :-0

I did try to bring you a shot of the lovely Tess playing the piano but she looked a tad wooden. So instead I tried really hard to bring you a nice SP but, like most of us Blippers, generalising again I am not at all comfortable in front of the lens..... but I braved it just for you. So here you have:-

My Sexy Pout shot.
My Natural Smile shot it's the Chandler Bing effect!
My Fry's Turkish Delight Full of Eastern Promise shot showing my age!
My Come-to-Bed Eyes shot. woo hoo!
My Days-Calories-all-used-up-and-it's-only-10.30am shot.
My Blow-a-kiss-to-all-my-amazing-Blip-Pals shot to say...

THANK YOU SO MUCH for being part of my Blip Journey and for all that we have shared together.

I never, ever dreamt that I'd still be here 3 years down the line and although I love taking photos and keeping a journal, it's you lot who keep me blipping day after day and I see no sign of stopping anytime soon.

I wish I had more time so I could get to read all your journals every day.
I wish I was able to leave comments every day.
I wish I was able to meet you all to give you a hug and thank you in person for all the laughter, tears and downright madness we have shared in this crazy cyber space.

David calls you my imaginary friends although to his fright delight he has discovered some of you are very real ;-)) Indeed, one of the greatest pleasures of blipping is getting to meet Blip Pals in real life and I have had the pleasure of meeting and making true friends with some of the drunkest, maddest, craziest loveliest people ever through blip, and I hope to meet many more of you.

So year 4 begins tomorrow. What's the betting it'll be a flower macro? :-)))

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