Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Black and White.

Today is a day off school, courtesy of God.
Good for kids, bad for parents

While the wealthy demographic are off blowing the Christmas Bonus on un-land-fillable-tat, we stayed home.

The Princess, L, brought a friend, B, around,.
A 9 year old VEGAN friend.
And I had to make lunch...
After consultation, French Fries were deemed acceptable all round, but...

(playing Wii)

L;"Da, are the chips nearly ready, I'm Marvin!"
Da; "Just about, darlin, and what about B?"
L; "B, why are you a Virgin"
Da; "Choke"
B; "I dont eat any meat or dairy projects"
L; "So no meat, then, and you are OVERSTEERING!"
B; "I'm steering with my BODY!"
L; "Da, can I have an EGG with my chips?
Da; "No problemo"
L; "Press the OTHER button, or you will DIE!"

I truly love this life.

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