For proper sharp

A nice wee gizmo for sharpening knives. There's this, to clamp the blade and then a set of diamond cutters with guide bars to get the angle right. I stopped after my keyring knife, my Leatherman and three kitchen knives, having run out of hair on the back my hand to test them on. Must warn Mandy.

A dreich holiday day but knowing it was coming I'd planned to be in the brew shed anyway so it was all good. Apart from letting the beer overflow and having to start again. Bugger. But a midway brainwave finds me with 45 litres of beer and a dilemma - one barrel should brew to 5.5% and the other to 7.5%. Should I brew them separately or mix them and brew both to a more normal (but still quite powerful) 6%. #firstworldproblems.

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